Friday, March 30, 2012


There's an expression called 'missing the forest for the trees'. Almost every gaming website out there, from 1up, to GiantBomb, to Joystiq, and more are guilty of this.

The common theme among all of them in regards to the generally loathed Mass Effect 3 ending is that those that are complaining about it have a sense of 'entitlement'. Entitlement for the ending that they did not get because, apparently, the gaming fanbase at large is simply too stupid to understand the 'artistic vision' of Bioware. And some are claiming that they shouldn't change the ending to maintain the 'artistic integrity' of the ending.

Just a note; 'artistic integrity' is a misnomer. Especially when you're part of a giant corporation with millions upon millions of dollars at your disposal, in order to make even more money.

The writers at Bioware are not 'areeests' or 'auteurs'. They're writers for a product meant for public consumption. If they wanted to make an art game, they should have made a damn art game. ME is NOT an art game. It's supposed to be a fun and satisfying game. After 3 whole games, to be told that everything you've done was for nothing is not only insulting, it goes against what a video game's supposed to, entertain you.

It's because of this circle jerking that it's becoming more difficult to even call it 'gaming journalism' in the first place.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why people are angry about ME3's ending.

It can be best described on one of my favorite webcomics;

Three Panel Soul

Monday, March 26, 2012

Writing Treatise #2

Original Character Treatise:

In fanfiction we place original characters that add our own original flavor to the overall story, and possible theme. However, whenever original characters (OCs) are introduced, a great amount of care must be taken into consideration. The reason why I say this is because far too many times I have seen 'original' characters that have come out of nowhere and have not only usurped an already established character, but the purpose as well.

The one great pearl of wisdom when it comes to original characters is to make sure that their involvement is not intrinsically linked to the main story.

The fact is, people read fanfiction stories to read about characters from that particular franchise. Not your 'original' characters. While they do have their place, their importance should never override the importance of established characters. Granted, there are outliers; like World of Warcraft, where many characters write their own stories that can exist in parallel to the overall written story (as poor as it is, but I digress).

Case in point; in Malaradark's story Dark Energy, there is a character by the name of Gellian Osco. (Used with author's permission) Mentally unbalanced and sick, but unbelievably intelligent. However, her involvement in the overall story is all behind the scenes. Here are a few facts about her; (Spoilers for ME1 apply)

She was taken under Benezia's wing and considers her a friend, if not the only friend she has.

She was there on Therum when Shepard and Co. saved Liara.

She was there on Noveria when Benezia was killed and tried to kill Shepard for it (but failed, obviously) and is still trying to do so, indirectly.

Her presence was instrumental on Virmire when Saren was trying to clone Krogan without the Genophage, however, it still ended up being destroyed.

See the pattern?

It's all in the background and doesn't change the established canon of a story. As Malaradark and I spoke, she noted that had Osco's presence been on Virmire and both Kaidan and Ashley could have been saved because of it, it would have turned Dark Energy into an Alternate Universe; which was not the author's intention.

OCs can add some interesting flavor and in universes such as Mass Effect, there's so much potential. However, take care. Remember, OCs are icing on the cake of the adventures of canon characters. Eating nothing but icing is not only bad for your tummy and teeth, there's not much substance.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Writing Treatise #1

The following is something I wrote on my profile when I feel the need to explain practices or aspects about writing fanfiction or writing in general that I feel need to be discussed.

Anti-Self Insertion Treatise:

If you or someone you love writes Self-Insertions into your favorite fandom. Here's a word of advice:


Or stop them.

I'm serious. Stop.

I'm talking to you. Yes, you. The one with the hair. You know whom you are.

Why should you stop? Well, ask yourself the single most important question that any and all SI authors should ask themselves before the embark on this madness:

What makes you, John or Jane Q. Public, more interesting than the characters in the fandom you are writing in? And be honest. Really.

The answer, for all intents and purposes, is nothing. And that's not a searing indictment of your person. You, like I, am a regular person, with problems and strengths that do not, and will not, fit in a world of fiction, ever. Unless you are one of the screaming masses that runs helplessly as the giant monster attacks the city.

The franchises that you insert yourself into, regardless of how little or much events are changed by your presence, would murder you dead in your sleep. And for a normal person like you or I, to insert themselves into a story, such as Mass Effect (A fandom littered with SIs), and pretend that you would have an effect on events or, Heaven Help Us, be able to romance any of these*FICTIONAL* characters is egotism and wankery of the worst kind.

Again, this is not meant as a criticism of you as a person. No. This is a criticism of the *idea* that you are more interesting than Commander Shepard, or Link, or Harry Potter, or Bella-whatsername.

It's ok. You can join a support group when you come to the realization of the horrible, horrible thing you did. Then, you can pick yourself up, analyze yourself, and get to writing new stories involving your favorite characters either saving the world, getting it on, or just being friends. Never give up, folks. You can do it! And if you ever feel depressed about your ability to write, just take some advice from Destructoid's own Jonathan Holmes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What the hey... why not?

I've been writing fanfiction for years, about the same as when I started watching my favorite show, Mystery Science Theater 3000, and that's coming up to 20 years. So, I figured I may as well add some of my writings and opinions on things other than WoW. For example, the whole deboggle with Mass Effect 3.

Since I let my sub end, I may as well just let this thing rot. However, that'd be wasteful and I'm not one to let things go to waste.